
Connect with Emily

Emily Bond 

Emily limped her way into a regular yoga practice after a running injury left her restless and broken-hearted. She began exploring different styles and fell in love with the limitless possibilities of yoga, both on and off the mat. Emily loves exploring new ways to move and guides classes where each individual is encouraged to feel good in their own bodies. Her classes encourage big breaths and expansive movement, with an emphasis on doing you! She loves sharing yoga with kids of all sizes and ages. When not on a yoga mat, Emily teaches elementary school and enjoys exploring Washington’s wilderness.

A few fun facts about Emily:

After yoga and beer, her favorite thing is reading. If you want to talk books, etymology, or phonics, this is your girl.

She has read every Harry Potter book many times over, and saw the play for the eighth installment in London. It was pretty much the greatest thing ever.

She played the flute in junior high- but never went to band camp.