Packing List
Outdoor Gear
Swimsuit for the pool and hot tub
Bike, scooter, longboard, etc (to travel to and from town)
Mountain Bike
Beach Bag or Backpack
Beach Towel
Hat (No one wants a sunburned forehead)
Bike Lock
Outdoor Gear (Rental Available)
Road Bike
Mountain Bike
Casual Clothing/Footwear
T-Shirts/Tank Tops
Long-Sleeved Shirt
Light Jacket or Sweater
A Puffy Coat May Come in Handy
Light Rain Jacket (just in case!)
Shoes good for walking or hiking
Other Stuff
Yoga Mat - We have extra mats, so let us know in advance if you will need to borrow one
Shampoo/Conditioner. Loge has a 2-in-1 available, but if you have long hair, you will probably bring your own along
Camera (if you use more than your cellphone camera)
Camping Chair
Something to read
Water Bottle
Charging Cord
Mosquito Repellant
Travel Pillow
Snacks and Booze
Yard Games, Board Games, Cards
All yoga classes will be offered outside on concrete or grass. If you prefer not to use your ‘good’ mat outside, bring an extra or use your beach towel or blanket. Make sure to bring layers just in case there is a breeze or if you want to be warm and cozy in our more restorative practices.
Looks like it will be sunny and in the 60s/70s most of the time in Bend, but it is still the PNW, so that means chilly nights and cold water.
If you have one, make sure to bring along your bike. It’s a short ride into town. You can also rent one at the LOGE.
Oh! And we will be going out for a dinner in town one night, so make sure to bring along more than just outdoor gear.